
This not only confirms the seriousness

This not only confirms the seriousness with which Festigame is seen outside our borders, but also the importance of reference that has reached the Chilean market for the games industry in the region, "said the CEO of Buy Fifa 16 Coins  Festigame Tabare Couto.

Access to play FIFA 16 will be absolutely released for all those attending the event, in an area specially designed with tight security.Tickets for the event are on sale through PuntoTicket system. The day pass is worth $ .4.500 and payment for the 4 days: $ 13,500. The festival will be held between 16 and 18 August in the Mapocho Station, on Thursday, August 16 from 16:00 to 20:00 and the aftermath of 10:30 to 20:00 hours.

The historic first title in France at the U-20 World allowed Europe to get his first title in this tournament in 16 years, breaking a long hegemony in South America.Of the 10 previous eight teams had gone Conmebol area an almost complete domination since 1993 only had broken Spain with the title of 1999 and Ghana Nigeria Egypt in 2009.That success in Spain was the last of the six achieved in Europe, which now raises its figure to seven, although still far from South America (11), the great dominating in the history of  Fifa 16 Coins  this competition.

