
The 51st minute

Just after 3 minutes, sevilla and hit rush, captain reyes javier mascherano played on the cutting edge of the area, to win a free kick opportunity, combined the fencing, taking a curveball broken right foot close Angle, Ulster root doesn't have any reaction, 1-0.7 minutes, the area suarez was kerry jovi ark, Barcelona also obtain a perfect free kick, macy's left foot rub out  Fifa 16 Coins the small arc, straight to break the upper right corner, 1-1.

The 51st minute, trevor molina cross mistakes directly to busquets, professor cloth straight before the calm, suarez right foot low shot, 4-1. The 57th minute, pulled a goal back, add mei luo from the left, mathieu roof caving, points to follow up after jose Antonio reyes volley that scored from close range, 4-2.

15 minutes, iniesta ball breakthrough points, Kitty, down by barnett added after the ball, another free kick, kerry jovi ark booked for arguing, and Lionel messi, also in, although the farther the distance, but mei soccer legend drew a curveball is more urgent and more diao, touch the right side of the post into the net, 2-1.
44 minutes, scored Barcelona, suarez single-pole ball low shot was saved, he again after the ball door, teenager lafite, follow up Buy Fifa 16 Coins the left foot nudge successful, 3-1. Barcelona in the first half 3-1 lead.

