
If you're someone who likes to cross

The 2 CAM's will tend to  Fifa 16 Coins be positioned in wider areas where they more often than not are not suited. They favour central areas which can leave a lack of wide options. Couple this problem with 2 low attacking work rate full-backs and you're really going to struggle getting any wide play going.

If you're someone who likes to cross the ball in lots then I would suggest avoiding this formation. Another potential problem will be getting caught shot defensively, this is a huge problem if you have CDM's with high attacking work rates and can lead to a cluster of players in the CAM position which is obviously easier to defend against.Key player/position: The 2 CDM's. You can break this formation down into three sections.

A front 4, a back 4 and 2 holding midfield men. Obviously the 2 are down on numbers so it is pivotal that you have 2 strong players in that area of the pitch.Most suited style of play: Medium to  Cheap Fifa 16 Coins  fast build-up play. Longer passes to get the ball into the front 4 as quick as possible as there are a lack of numbers in central areas.


