
Shots are now punchier from outside

Turns out it ended up being my modem causing the issue. A simple reset and I didn't have a single problem with connection after that. Here's hoping that when the full title gets released, it stays that way as server connection has been a major complaint from players across the last two versions of Fifa 16 Coins .

Shots are now punchier from outside the box but seem to also be a little more scripted, with one on ones more gratifying than in previous games as strikers are now in control in those situations more so than the goalkeeper, with players being able to simply pass it through the legs of the keeper or hit a deft touch around for an open goal.

As previously mentioned defending has been completely re-done as AI teammates cover pockets of space that would have been left open in past iterations, and now forces the attacking players to Cheap Fifa 16 Coins be a bit more creative in the final third.


